$800 to spend on speakers, $1500 on whole system

I am new to community and am seeking advice on my first good sound system. I am looking to spend $500-800 on a used set of two speakers for my living room, which is not very large. I cannot decide between bookshelf speakers or a floor speaker. I will be listening mostly to digital music, and I could use recommendations on a DAC and receiver. I would like the receiver to be bluetooth if high quality receivers come with this feature, but that's not a deal breaker for me.

My Ideal system would have two speakers at $500-800 and with receiver, DAC, cables, and anything else I would need totaling around $1200, but $1500 maximum. I figured I would start with speakers and go from there.

I like to listen to most music, except rap. Heavy metal, funk, jazz. Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks

I recently bought an integrated amp that I'm really impressed with for the money, and at a pretty good discount.  For you I'd suggest the Nad C356DAC, normally it goes for about 900, but is on sale at this time of year as they clear out the factory refreshed stuff.  

You should be able to get it for about $650 at spearitsound(click on the "used, demos and specials" link on the home page), if you are decided on getting a DAC, which is a module installed in this Nad.  Speakers, for 800 or less, you might be better off with a bookshelf as towers at this price range are pretty entry level.  

A great option for bookshelf speakers is an internet direct dealer like Ascend Acoustics.  The Sierra-1 outperforms anything at the same price range of $750 because they don't have the usual mark up of  the wholesale/retail brands.  

A couple of really good options to chew on!
213 running makes some good suggestions.  I would add that you look at some of the other gear in the NAD line up, and also check out Cambridge Audio's options.  Marantz also makes a two-channel integrated with an onboard DAC that you can probably source at a discount.  For speakers, I think you're gonna want floor standers to get the bass reinforcement you're looking for at that price range (full range monitors are very spendy).    There are a couple pair of Vienna Acoustic Bach's for sale on Agon right now (one on the east coast and the other on the west).  I'd take a good look at the Vandersteen 1s or 2s as well.
I own the NAD 326BEE and think it to be an excellent option given your budget ($550 new retail). I believe there is a used C325BEE for sale here on AG. Buy a used DAC that will accommodate your digital sources (what are they?). Buy used interconnect cables off Ebay or here on AG. Check out Markertek or Blue Jean Cable for speaker cables.  I am hesitant to recommend speakers as what is best is subjective, however would suggest buying a used pair of bookshelves at ~$500 Those with 87dB or better sensitivity and 8ohm impedance. 

Agree on the Vienna Bach, but at your price I would wait for a Bach Grand
Thanks for the responses. I certainly appreciate them. 

My digital sources will be mostly live recordings of bands such as Umphreys Mcgee - they play everything from jazz to metal. It will be an iPhone or a computer. I know many of these are poor quality, which will be accentuated with good speakers.  

Mainly, I want to mention that I do not plan to build a large vinyl collection. Maybe I will want to down the road, perhaps I will be ready to buy a new system by then. 

But for this system, I'd like recommendations based on no vinyl. After some thought, floor standing speakers will probably be best for me as I would prefer not to havea separate  Sub. I would be willing to spend my limit, $800, on those.

thanks again for the recommendations, and please keep them coming. I would love as much info as possible to research. 
