Audio Research service

I have heard that ARC's service is not the greatest, is there truth to this? Give your experience.
I am extremely happy with ARC service. They go beyond and above to help me out even my ARC power amp is out of warranty.

My REF 250 power amps were out of warranty and the replaced the faulty capacitors with the latest and greatest and also upgraded the internal wiring to the SE caps and internal wiring for no cost.  The only difference between my REF 250s and 250SEs now are the KT150 tubes.

They also have replaced blown tubes for me at no cost many times and when I needed complete sets of replacement tubes for other Audio Research equipment, I had no problem with them.

I would be very surprised if they lost a remote and refused to replace it.


As a ARC dealer Audio Research takes great care in what they do, offers us a great support system for our clients equipment,
" some even decades old."
Unless the remote was thee problem
Typically No-one ever sends a remote or a power cord back with the unit for service anyway.
 Did you ever think it could of been half well packed / Taped, fell out of box or an inspected and opened UPS or Fed Ex package?
 That remote can easily be cloned so its not the end of the world for you Autospec
From my experience, ARC customer service is 2nd to none.

I was also wondering why ship the remote unless it also needs repair.