Would someone explain what "up sampling" means and how it can affect the sound?

I am looking at buying a DAC and after reading a few articles, there seems to be a question that comes to mind: what is up sampling, and does it affect the sound ? Some audio companies have up sampling in their DAC and some do not.
I just want to make an educated decision about what DAC I purchase that, hopefully, will not be obsolete in a few years.
Thank you for all your comments and answers.


Well, after reading all these comments and opinions, looking at reviews on TAS and Stereophile, and considering my budget, I have decided to buy a Schiit  Bitfrost with the upgrades, sinvce they have a 30 day try-out.

Thank you kindly .

But what I am saying, and I'm sticking to it, at least for now, is that knowing about the mechanics of upsampling or what DAC chip is not going to matter one iota to whether you will like the player.  I know some people believe that each DAC chip has a sound, or that a ribbon tweeter is automatically brighter than a silk dome and so on.  In my experience, I have found those generalizations not to be true.
I agree with this, Chayro, at least as a rule of thumb that is true most of the time.  It follows from my belief (shared by many others, of course) that what usually matters most in the design of an audio component is not the approach that is chosen, but how well the chosen approach is implemented.

-- Al
Nice choice!  Should sound really good.  Little to loose if you don't like it for any reason.
I've heard very good things about that company.  The home audition is very prudent.  Leave it on for at least 24 hours before doing any serious listening.