Mike, This is an interesting read on how one new multichannel recording was done...http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue9/eliasdsd.htm
Why is 2 Channel better than multi-channel?
Mike, This is an interesting read on how one new multichannel recording was done...http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue9/eliasdsd.htm Dave |
When I used to sell audio, I noticed that there were two kinds of customers.....those interested in music and those who seek sound effects. This division seems to have been exacerbated by the introduction of multi-channel. And Eldartford brings to the forefront an important observation too. Home theater is pretty much car stereo brought indoors. Regardless of its theoretical potential, HT remains a poorly executed medium. And absurd. Does anyone remember quadrophonic headphones? |
It's Not, according to recent developments at IAR. International Audio Review! See 30 page review. They say, the Arcam AV8 and DVD 27 is the ultimate. They review amplifiers, speakers, turntables, but there doesnot seem to be amy preamplifer reviews; I suspect because they feel the there is no use, when the arcam setup properly kicks everything elses butt! I'm thinking of packing it in with two channel and convert what I can to home theatre. I find there is so many great concerts to watch and listen to that is seems rather boring to just listen to two channel. It seems that my extremely cheap home theatre system sounds 85% of my extremely expensive two channel. I guess there is diminishing returns on high end. I now what your thinking, my high end gear is crap right. Wrong, my friends think my system sounds better than most stuff in the so-called hiend stores. Maybe that's why their my freinds haha. Seriously I think that most will agree that your home theatre system is in around the same level compared to your two channel stuff. So I think it's possible that the Arcam might be that good! What sayest thou? |
Because you can't teach an old dog new tricks. If someones first listening experience was with high quality multichannel they would feel 2 channel was really lacking. I'm not talking about standard equipment with unlike speakers I'm talking about the best of both worlds. The same applies to analog verses digital. Analog offers 12bits maximum resolution while it's conceivable to reach twice the info on digital. Go figure |