Guys, I have a small fortune invested in my HFC cabling and ac connections. I regret none of these expenditures although cabling is now over 60% of the cost of my system. I have tried both the MC 0.5 and the digital adapters and both further improve my sound. Recently in talking with Rick, I asked if one reaches a point where further improvement was smaller and smaller. Once again as with his six grades of cables, he said more magnets are better and only the impracticalness of the long waveguides and costs are the limitations. I didn't want to hear that, of course, but it seems true.
I don't really know whether there is a standard for judging the quality of ones ac supply, but I suspect that most of them have much noise running along with the 60 cycle ac and fall outside the 117 volt optimal voltage. At any rate I still think the power cables from HFC have more impact than the ICs and speaker wires.
Only three things rival the impact of the HFCabling in my system. In no particular ordering they are: the Star Sound Audio Points and Rhythm platforms, the TriPoint Troy SIgnature and Thor SE grounding wires, and recently the North American Products x-10 MkIII amp and probably their preamp.
I've got to stop writing always sincere but rave reviews. Today I am hoping to try the new Star Sound Tech 2.5 inch Audio Points versus some 3 inch points I have and the Star Sound original 1.5 inch Audio Points that they have sold over 300,000 of.