$800 to spend on speakers, $1500 on whole system

I am new to community and am seeking advice on my first good sound system. I am looking to spend $500-800 on a used set of two speakers for my living room, which is not very large. I cannot decide between bookshelf speakers or a floor speaker. I will be listening mostly to digital music, and I could use recommendations on a DAC and receiver. I would like the receiver to be bluetooth if high quality receivers come with this feature, but that's not a deal breaker for me.

My Ideal system would have two speakers at $500-800 and with receiver, DAC, cables, and anything else I would need totaling around $1200, but $1500 maximum. I figured I would start with speakers and go from there.

I like to listen to most music, except rap. Heavy metal, funk, jazz. Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks

I think the triangle speakers for sale on here would sound great with Peachtree gear. Two pair for sale on here in your budget. I just heard some floorstanders at a friends house and they are killer for the money. Very easy to drive which is a huge plus. 

+1 on the Peachtree Nova recommendation.  For speakers, you should also strongly consider the Peachtree D5 bookshelf speakers.  Really decent bass, very good looking, and very underrated IMO.  They are $799, but are an additional $100 off if you buy a Peachtree integrated amp at the same time.
if you choose the D5, Peachtree used to make a matching subwoofer.  I have the D4 and the 8 inch sub - quite good. They also made a 10 inch sub

Bookshelves can always be put on stands if that'll work for you.  A sub can always be added later...
I got a Polk sub at the local Habitat for Humanity for peanuts.  A little 'cosmetics' (clean/sandpaper/semi-gloss black spraypaint)...up, up, and Away!   Well, down, down, and Away...*L*
A pair of perfect Infinity towers (smaller versions, don't remember the model) passed through there not long ago.  Tempted, wasn't in the market, and spouse would've handed me my heads (both of them)....  Used, not abused, and 1/2 of what they were worth.  Worth a troll if you've got the time to be a 'regular' there...
Just a thought...*S*
Peachtree is a very good choice. If you are now leaning toward bookshelf speakers, the Gallo CL-2's previously mentioned are an amazing speaker. The list price is $1200 and Underwood is having a close-out sale here on Audiogon.

Google reviews of these speakers. I bought some floorstanders.