knghifi, I would be pretty surprised if your equipment were using a 10 amp draw. At 120V, that is 1200 watts, i.e. 1.2 kW. Front-end equipment and preamps use little current. Unless your amps are heavily biased into Class A (they run full-out and dissipate the current into heat, diverting more and more into signal as the volume is increased), I seriously doubt you would draw 10 amps, even if you are driving some inefficient speakers. I once had some Fourier OTL tube amps that ran fully into Class A and they drew 5 amps each at idle, making the amps space heaters--they put out prodigious amounts of heat . You might want to check with your equipment manufacturers to see how much current they draw, or maybe this is in their specifications. Of course, you could just go to the Hemisphere as it probably sounds better anyway. Just a thought.