Ripping may necessitate internet access for a bit check and artwork and info, but with a laptop, a harddrive, and a dac, you can use a music server without the internet. Convenience from your listening position, however, may lead you to wanting the assistance of the internet.
I started life with a music server with a Mac Powerbook with a SSD, Itunes through Pure Music rips and a back up drive. Then HD Tracks came along only to be followed by double native DSD downloads on a fairly expensive music server with data on SSDrives. I control it from a MS Surface computer using JRiver among other softwards.
I started life with a music server with a Mac Powerbook with a SSD, Itunes through Pure Music rips and a back up drive. Then HD Tracks came along only to be followed by double native DSD downloads on a fairly expensive music server with data on SSDrives. I control it from a MS Surface computer using JRiver among other softwards.