Ortofon 2M Black?

Alright guys... I realized just how long it had been since I updated or even logged into my profile... So my little 2 channel system has evolved...

My table is still a Technics SL-1200MKII... BUT... It has:
TimeStep EVO Power Supply
TimeStep EVO Bearing
Oyaide Platter Mat
Same weight
KAB Fluid Damper
Cardas arm rewire

My phono preamp is still fairly elementary but solid:
Schiit Mani

My Speakers are:
Koss CM1030's
Recapped and replaced all crossover components with top shelf items
Replaced Tweeters with new ones (knockoff's of the orginals)

My Amp:
Well a work in progress for now I am back to the Onkyo TX-8522 receiver
I have an older onkyo setup with a Grand Integra M508... But it is in the shop (AND WILL BE RETURNING SHORTLY)

So the question of it all:
I have been cartridge hunting and trading... I still have my shure m97xe with the JICO SAS... However, that stylus's suspension gave up the ghost and I am replacing it with a simple LP Gear Line Contact one because I seriously don't care for the sound of the cart... My wife's favorite to date is my older than dirt Grado Blue... For that reason I was looking at either the SoundSmith Otello or Carmen... However, after some facebook and research; I had several tell me to quit messing with idea of a ruby retip dynavector 10x5 or anything similar and just go Ortofon 2M Black and be happy... So that is what I am about to pull the trigger on... LP Gear has a really good deal on them... Having owning the SAS; I am REALLY familiar with setting correct VTA, Azimuth (it is manual and a bit of a pain on my table--but is easily measured with my Fozgometer), and of course the all important alignment... I really don't mind the exotic shapes and most of my albums are pristine and the few that aren't... Well then I still have the Grado... Well unless the cuts I am interested in are on the inner grooves... But don't get me started on that one.

Long story short; Do you guys think I am making a mistake with the Ortofon 2M Black, or is it a good idea?
I'm not keen on it. I think that for a MM it sounds thin and lacks midrange body. If you like this presentation or if the rest of your system is on the warm side it may be a good fit. Personally, I would go for the Clearaudio Maestro Wood but it's twice the price of the 2M Black.
In my system the Black is anything but thin. It is a great cartridge at its price point and even above its price point
@bc5k - A little off-topic but I had Koss CM1030s that I bought back in the 1980s.  I still think they were great speakers that never got the traction they deserved.  I bet yours sound terrific with the updated components.  I sometimes wish I still had mine (although my wife might disagree!) Dick
So I want to keep myself happy and the Grados don’t do it... I myself think the Shure sounds nasal... She said she hears more separation of voices and instruments with the Grado vs the Shure... I am inclined to agree as I think it sounds critical yet brittle if that is even possible... So I still thinking I am rolling the dice with the black... If I do hate it... Ortofon and LP Gear are pretty gracious folks and it seems it should be able to unload it fairly easily...

@djohnson54 Yes my CM1030 sing very beautifully... I was honestly thinking of upgrading the tweets to Dayton Reference Silkies... But the peerless copies I got are almost an exact match to the originals... So I will leave them in tact... So yeah I spent over 300.00 on rebuilding the crossovers and the difference was NIGHT and DAY! So much so that I plan on updating the finish since they will be with me for a long time... I upgraded the ports to AeroPorts and wow that tightened things up and this summer they will be going to my favorite cabinet maker in town to have the finish fixed... He is sanding the Pecan and carefully refinishing them in a dark mocha... Also the gold inserts will be sandblasted and finished in black. I am recovering the grills and black fabric as well... Is it sacriledge? To some maybe... But acoustically there won’t be any difference and the wife will like the look much more...
