A hated question - Purist 20th Anniversay and the Cardas Clear Rev 1 interconnects

........I like them both in my set up ; Esoteric cd, amp and per-amp  / Sonus Faber Olympica III's / Silver Circle 5.0 SE  conditioner / Purist Audio 20th Anniversary cabling - interconnects and Limited Edition power cords  / Cardas Clear Beyond Speaker cables. I added a Cardas Clear Rev 1 interconnect from the Esoteric K-03x to the pre-amp. I liked the way it sounds  - clear ( ha ) focused and improved rhythm and pace.......added a nice warm sound. The Cardas was what $2,500 ...and the PAD 20th Anniversary retailed at $8,000. Okay why am I nuts here ...and any thoughts to those who have listened. I might ...might I say add another Cards between the amp and pre-amp. I borrowed one from the Cable Company and I am telling you the Cardas are very honest almost ruthless to the source. The last time I heard that was from Nordost  - but the Cardas is just that , but adds a nice touch and I mean a touch of warmth.         
Garebear...your ps is there to impress, but doesn’t impress me. If you actually do the recording, or sweep the floors in the studio, we might have met when recording my performances.

Hello Stringreen - thank you for the update and not all that concerned about impressing you ...not really sure where that is coming from. Hmmmmm, anyway also good to know that you do have the ability to have a conversation without bashing Cardas ....see I knew that you could do it.....and good for you on your recordings as we are all her for the love of music and doubt that we have meet.  

ps  - you still have not answered my question if you have actually listened to the Cardas Rev 1 interconnect......that's all I have asked. You stated you have listened to them all .... but maybe you haven't. I would be interested in what your ears have heard ....I told what mine was       

Garebear....all can tell you is how I hear Cardas cables in MY system.  The Cable Co. sent me a number of Cadas cables...and with the Ayre/Cardas I ownded, I could audition all permutations of Cardas.   They ALL had a Cardas sound....most of them were dramatically colored, but they all had a somewhat grainy sound that came through my speakers with too much annoyance..  I am a pro violinist, and playing back  recorded violins....  my own and others..(more noticeable on massed strings)...I had to remove the cables from my system.  I spoke at length to Coleen Cardas who told me that they just needed more break-in time, but after a month of waiting, nothing improved in that regard.  I found this somewhat odd since Ayre recommended your very model Cardas to me.  Maybe its my speaker (Vandersteen 5A), or my power grid, but Cardas is not for me.  ...to be quite open...I have Sennheiser earphones that I was able to wire in balanced configuration with Cardas cable, and the problem I experienced with the interconnects, power cords, and speaker cables, did not raise its ugly head.  Regarding Purist cables....  I found their midrange to be magical...lots and lots of depth, air, separation, etc....but it was similar to turning up the color control on the tv....just too much...not real...but quite gorgeous.  I would imagine its what life would be like on some drugs...but I was looking for a more natural sound.
This is easy:  Purist Audio Design Venustas Luminist Revision!  Awesome!  :-)
Garebear I switched to all Cardas clear rev1...fully differential setup and speaker cables....made a huge improvement.
running magnepan 20.7s ..Bryson 28sst2 monos and lumin and berkley digital.....many preamps...lol
noticed the same improvement as you by switching,very good value for the money....