Are Ohm-Walsh micros and 1000 series disrespected because of omni-directional design??
I never was a big fan of Omni-directional speakers because they are often disappointing. I don't need the sound in back of me or 2 foot to my right or left. However, I have seen many testimonials for Ohm -Walsh speaker on Audiogon, yet they are infrequently reviewed.
Therefore, are Ohm-Walsh speakers disrespected because of their Omni directional design??. I noticed two issues on their website: 1) how do your determine which micro or tall column will be compatible for the dimensions of your listening area, especially if your listening area is only part of a larger room. 2) A buyer can easily mistake the way they are priced. For example, the OW Talls (w-1000) are $ 1000 each, NOT $1000 FOR THE PAIR. So, that model is $2000 a pair, and there is lot of competition from conventional designed speaker, in that price category For example. the Golden Ear Technology. model 7, and the Magneplanar .07 both in the $1400-1500 price range and, some of the PSB towers, like the T-2 or T-3. or Monitor Audio recent series..
Would like some feedback about whether this Ohm-Wash design is disrespected by the major audio press. Are hardcore audiophile not convinced by the Omni-directional design and results, and so it never gets a f"air shake or serious audition,