PSB Platinum M2 buying advice

Hi there. First time poster. I have a line on a like new pair of these for a few hundred dollars with stands. Any thoughts? I would be connecting them to my Peachtree Audio nova220se. I guess the big question is how these speakers stack up against sub-2000 monitor/standmount speakers available ten years after initial release. 
haven't researched the question, but i'd assume people pair them with a sub because as small monitors they're not designed to plumb the depths. in these parts, "home theater use" is elitist code for a sensibly priced product by a recognized manufacturer.  
Buy them, they are a great of the few things I really regret selling.   Excellent speaker

" In these parts, "home theater use" is elitist code for a sensibly priced product by a recognized manufacturer."

Love this, loomisjohnson! It's a dig but true at times around here.

