Audience Au24se vs Au24sx cables

Just wondering if anyone has upgraded to the new Audience Au24sx from the former reference Au24se interconnects and speaker cables. Any opinions on significant sonic differences?  My understanding is that the upgrade is not retrofittable and requires new purchase. My SE's are only 8 months old and I'm trying to decide whether to invest in the upgrade.  Thanks to all.

Jafant - currently, all my interconnects are Tellrium Q Black Diamond. Power cords are Tellurium Q Black.
I don't have any intention on changing those in the near term. 

Congratulations.audiobrian. I am a great fan of Audience products. .Perhaps you could write a review after your the cable settles . 
I am also a big fan of the KEF blade, which in my opinion is a bargain. You cant buy a better speaker for the money.
Hello all
I've now had an opportunity to listen to the Au24SX Speaker Cable and SX XLR interconnects vs SE.  The SX cables have more midrange body to their presentation and thus more natural.  Bass extension is slightly better but bass authority more notable.  Highs are more extended, "crisp" and natural.  However, these improvements are not day and night over the Au24SE, still excellent cables which I have sold.  Also IMHO the interconnect cables were more notable improvements relative to the speaker cables.  This may relate to a 5 meter balanced run from my preamplifier to amplifier.  I'm very happy with the upgrade but I don't think it's as revolutionary as Audience advertisements might suggest...but still quite worthwhile in your continued quest for natural music reproduction.
I do love Audience cables, conditioners and their friendly service. 
Thanks to all respondents!

PS.  I have recently learned of the passing of Audience chief engineer Roger Sheker. My sincere condolences to all at Audience and, of course, Roger's family.
He was a very talented and pleasant gentleman and he will be missed. 
I wouldn't ...  You seem happy with the ones you have.  Remember ..there is no end.