Which CD\SACD?


Looking for a 2nd hand CD\SACD player.
Seeking for high levels of inner resolution, rich sound, and musicality.

Budget is up to $2,500.

Any help and information would be greatly appreciated. 


Look for Denon DVD-5910, I used to own this player.  IMO, last true reference player produced by Denon.  

You can get it probably under 1K. 
I'll "third" the Marantz--listening to my SA-11S2 right now and it's just "right" whether I'm listening to redbook or SACDs.  Today's lineup has included The Eagles' "Long Road Out of Eden" (both discs--CD), Karajan's Beethoven's 9th (SACD), Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" (SACD), and Tony Bennett/Bill Evans (XRCD).