check out Reference Audio Mods for their selection of "NEW" DVD players (many models also play SACDs & DVD-As) which the owner will modify with top-of-the-line components (wiring, IECs, RCA outs, power supply, transformer, super clock, caps, resistors, opamps, etc.) for a lot less than $8,000.00, but will easily compete sonically with $8,000.00+ units. I have a Denon DVD-5910CI unit (awesome audio with music DVDs, CDs, SACDs, DVD-As + upconverts STD DEF DVDs to 1080P) that was modded by Reference Audio Mods and audio quality is absolute quality is also incredible!!!
If you don't have SACDs & DVD-As, then ask Reference Audio to help you select a new Blu-ray for mod (you can play your DVDs on a Blu-ray player) and sonics will be 5x better versus an out-of-the-box player...
with money you save buying an "audiophile" quality new DVD (if you also listen to SACDs or DVD-As) or Blu-ray from Reference Audio you would have plenty of money leftover to buy a new 1080P Panasonic Plasma model TH-50PZ800U (THX certified).