Tube rolling VAC 160i SE


anyone roll tubes for he VAC 160i integrated?

I am using the stock tubes but was thinking of tube rolling the 12ax7 and 12au7 tubes 

I tried some decent not great  mullards that I had but were too warm to use with my Harbeth 40.2 speakers.  


The big Harbeth's do better with neutral tubes IME.  Can't speak for the 12AU7's, but I always found NOS Mullard CV 4004's to be a nice neutral tube.    

Amperex, Telefunkens, Siemens tend to work very well, IMHO. If you wish to stay away from warm, best to avoid the British tubes, Mullard, Brimar, etc.

Right now I am rolling a pair of Pope 12AX7's  (fancy Amperex Bugle Boys) in the phono stage, V01 and V02. A Telefunken smooth plate 12AU7 in the V03 line stage with a Mazda Silver plate 12AX7 in the V04 line stage.

Driver tubes V05,6,7 are RCA Cleartops. Power tubes, V08-V11 are Psvane KT88's. Works well for me, as always, YMMV.

Have fun!!
On the power tubes side, I had a VAC Avatar Super and rolled a lot of KT88 and honed in on the gold lion reissues as having great overall presentation.  I also like the ruby tubes as well.  If you like a ton of detail the EH did that better at expense of midrange and bass.  Good luck and let us know how you do.