Best Standard Def DVD Player under $8,000 used?

I am looking for the best possible Standard Def DVD player
that is BLACK. I have a Krell DVD Showcase now and it's
great but I am wondering if there is better to be had for
under $8,000 used.

I would like to hear opinions/comparisons of the video
quality for:

Krell DVD Standard
Linn Unidisk 1.1
Meridian G98
Denon 5910CI

lol, I got some cable from a nice guy in a white van for sale......they say they go great with Theater Research speakers!
Theater Research speakers . . . do they handle 500 watts per channel, have 8 drivers, and the best vinyl cladding this side of a Payless shoe? I bet their greater than my Martin Logans. About the cable, sorry, I only buy cable from Best Buy.
"I personally think in most cases my KRELL standard def player will look better than $300 bluray. Everytime I see one at the store I think to myself that my Krell looks

Tom, that's the first clue that you're wasting your money. You compare what you have to what's in the store? I don't care how high-end the shop(pe) is, you can't tell until you get it home and tweak it for your system.

Do this: buy one of the less expensive blu-ray machines and use it exclusively in your system for a little while. Tweak the set-up properly. Watch both DVD and Blu-ray.

Then go back to the Krell and be happy.
One word, Seditious3- Delusion!
It's the equivelant of thinking your Krell reference CD player sounds better than a cheap SACD player/disc, basically. Sure you're Krell might do things like dynamic contrast, noise floor, etc, better. However in terms of resolution, body, detail, etc, it's no contest. The SACD stomps the standard 16bit/44khz CD playback in the dust,for the most.
Digital processing has improved much over the years for sure. I used to own a $700 DVD player from 1998 that was reviewed as "Better than Levinson separates" from Absolute Sound, and that was indeed the case overall! Old Digital, no matter how well executed, was never perfect.
Yeah I would be simply using one of these old CD players or expensive DVD's if that's all that was needed to get the job done, but it doesn't. Those old formats leave too much on the table compared to newer, more improved technology.
"However in terms of resolution, body, detail, etc, it's no contest. The SACD stomps the standard 16bit/44khz CD playback in the dust,for the most." Skippybo.

Me thinks you have not heard what GNSC is capable of with Wadia product in redbook.