Most Effective Tweaks?

Wondering what generic tweaks people have tried that made the biggest difference?    Also interested in how much the tweaks cost to implement and the magnitude say from minimum of "marginal" to maximum of "transformational".

My top tweaks I can think of so far are

1) isolating speakers from versus coupling to floor when needed  (~$100, transformational)
2) Mu metal shield around low level  phono stepup transformer ($30, transformational noise reduction)
3) power cord upgrade (significant, ~$80)
4) acoustic panels (significant, $90)
5) power conditioner (significant, $100)
5) Physically moving components further apart from each other (NC, marginal)
Auralex subdude platforms under floor standers and Isoacoustics brand pro monitor stands under monitors. 
Big fan of mu metal around transformers. I’m also a big fan of double wrapping and implementing spacers between layers. One layer absorbs 75% of the mag field, two layers absorb 96%. I also like wrapping those flimsy little exposed ribbon connectors with mu metal, not to mention Mr. Fuse.  No goats, no glory.
Anyone have a spare ultrasonic record cleaner send it my way.

Agree clean records are transformational.

I have an effective manual process I use but is time consuming and a pain.     A good ultrasonic record cleaner would be welcome.