Warmest sounding Green Mountain speaker?

Considering buying a pair of GMA speakers and wonder what is considered the warmest sounding of any in their line up past or present as the only thing I have reservations about is the tone might be a little on the lean side from what I have read compared to lets say Vandersteen which I have now.
Electrons travel at the same speed whether going through a first order crossover or a 100th order crossover. The electrons will reach your tweeter at the same time as they do your woofer. There is no such thing as ’’time coherence’’ it is a false marketing term just like the false claims of burn in. Please do not be fooled. Do your homework. Dont just jump on the bandwagon and believe what this guy says.
Its a false argument given to differentiate a product from the rest of the bunch.
See point number 8 on the list of gimmicks


Lobing on the other hand is real and first orders create the worst. If you dont believe me, move up and down in front of any first order speaker and you will hear severe changes in sound making it difficult to get the correct tonality.

The other fallacy which Roy perpetuates is the false dilemma that you either choose a first order or a higher order crossover. Neither are ideal. Both make different trade offs.

Roy is extremely generous with his time.  And should not have to waste it any further with justifying himself or his products against kenjit's claims.

Maybe eight years ago I helped out a friend wanting to buy a stereo.  Based on threads on agon, I scored him a pair of Europas, and then consulted with Roy about appropriate amplification in reach of a non-audiophile with a realistic budget.  Roy steered us to a Sony ES integrated, which is their higher line of product.  Weights around 50 pounds, cost a few hundred bucks on eBay, and from the get-go sounded great together.  Every time I travel the three hours to visit my friend, and we listen to music together, I think to my self "why spend more money than this... this is a completely engaging musical listening experience".  So much so that eight years later, I decided to get a pair of Europas (used) just to have kicking around, for my enjoyment or to sell to a friend who is ready for such a high value product.

I don't find them at all lean with the Sony.  Full bass, excellent imaging, just musical as all getout.  I always find myself amazingly engaged with the music and my friend is always thanking me.  I am thanking Roy.  And on several occasions, when I wanted product support or advise, Roy has been most generous.  You don't find that kind of support so often.


Thanks for posting a link to the BBB complaint. I needed a good laugh today. My favorite part of the complaint is:

Recently I opened the speaker up to see if I could in any way fix it to make it sound better. But despite this I have been unable to make it better.

It is still in almost new condition and could easily be restored to new if the company wanted to.

Roy, just let Kenjit keep on ranting...I can't wait to see what he posts next. Here's my favorite quote so far from the thread:
Electrons travel at the same speed whether going through a first order crossover or a 100th order crossover. The electrons will reach your tweeter at the same time as they do your woofer. There is no such thing as ’’time coherence"...

Like Taylor Swift says, "Hater's gonna hate...trolls gonna troll..."

Keep up the great work!
Thanks, Nicholas!

In my experience, his posts will continue to become evermore frantic and illogical. I don't think he can help it, unfortunately.

Haven't found a speaker yet except for GMA's that'll work in my tiny listening room. IMO there's no better speaker out there, at least in my room.
Kenjit, you actually took the speakers apart???  Normal people just sell the things they don't like.