Just how great is Elvis Costello

Just got thru listening to Secret, Profane and Sugarcane for the umpteenth time and just sat back in awe and you know this album is in the running with at least 5 of his other albums as my favorite Elvis album. I guess my point is I have over the last 10 years became so conscious of what a treasure he is and really didn't give home the credit he deserves and would like to now. Every album is so different and he will take you down the road he wants you to travel.
The first album I bought from him was Spike. Love that album along with king of america, & sugercane. He is creative, and sings with passion. 

r_f_sayles:  Just to expand on my comment, some artists place their politics in their work, some don't, and there is a continuum of how often that occurs that varies by artist.  It has nothing to do with EC's demeanor, as far as I am concerned.  I found his earlier demeanor exciting and pretty cool.

Without going into too much detail, I was very upset that EC fell victim to Roger Waters' irrational anti-Israel pressure and cancelled concerts in Israel, for example.  And occassionally, EC has made political statements to the press, but not in his music, which I have found disturbing.  But overall, I find his infusion of politics into his music to be limited to a song here and there, and not so "in yer face" that it ruins the song for me.  Compared to some artists, EC is only mildly political relative to his extraordinary talent.

There are other artists who seem to speak on political issues more often than they perform in concert or release recordings.  Still others infuse nearly every recording with their politics.  And if those politics really upset me, I simply can't enjoy the music.  That really doesn't happen to me regarding EC. 

In general, I feel that musicians teaching us about political issues is like accountants teacing us about art.  I really don't care what EC or any artist thinks about complex political issues.  And when they feel they are obligated to constantly lecture their fans about politics, they start to appear foolish and small to me, and at some point, their ability to convince me that they are singing with passion and conviction is also diminished.

Not looking to start a flame war here, folks, just replying to the question posted.

Although he doesn't express a coherent political viewpoint there is a fair amount of political/economic commentary running through Elvis Costello's songs.  The clearest case would be his collaboration with Allen Toussaint.

I don't understand why some people don't respect artists who are willing to address political issues.  The arts in general and music specifically have traditional be one of the most important and influential  channels for the expression of political opinions.  Quite literally when soldiers go marching off to war they do it singing songs that somebody wrote.  For me politics and music go hand and hand.  A good example was how during last night's Academy Awards ceremony Public Enemy's "Fight the Power" played over the closing credits.  You don't have to like the message, but if it's well conceived and executed,  you can't ignore it either.  That's the real power of good art done by good artists.
bondmanp, Good to understand a little better what you meant by your comment. I too look to start no flame-out about anyone for their thoughts, freely expressed here. We are actually more in agreement as it were about such things, then apart. I do though find it sad and more than a bit bewildering, perhaps like onhwy61 that there are so many who somehow believe that music/art should be devoid of political commentary entirely. As though we pay to just hear only that which we find agreeable and pleasing to our current state of mind. And I would find that notion to be completely preposterous for some of the same reasons most aptly expressed above. Often, with a little better understanding why, or how we may feel we differ, expresses actually, how far we are not apart...

My original question was, " Just how good is Elvis Costello", and look where this has gone. I am sorry, I listen to music to get away from this B.S. not to have to give thought to politics or any other discussion outside the scope of the music itself and the emotions that it brings to my life.