OPPO BDP 103/105, sound quality???

I'm looking for player that will play Blu-ray, SACD, DVD-audio and CD's.
That also sounds pretty great. I realize with a budget of $1K, I'm not going
to get Esoteric sound. But there must be "Universal" options
that sound pretty damn good? Any help would be appreciated.


Oppo 105D owners,

Can you please comment on the load time for a standard redbook CD? I'm thinking about replacing my Oppo DV-970HD w/Ric Shultz mods that has server me very well for years.. However, I play a lot of standard CDs and don't want to suffer with long load times. I've used another brand of univeral player that was very slow loading for CDs, as well as other formats, and I don't want to make that mistake again.

I had a 103 and compared it to the DACs in my Emotiva UMC200 and Schiit Bifrost.  They were both superior.  With that said, I ended up selling my 103 and buying a 105.  It easily bests the UMC200 or Bifrost.  Big difference.

BTW:  I have 0 problems or lags with redbook cd's.


When you say lags, are you referring to my CD load time question? By "0 problem with lags", are you saying the load time is not noticably slow?




Just because Stewie wrote it doesn't make it true.  It's not news, just opinion.

If load time is a big issue for you, I'd look for a live demo or youtube vid. before buying. When I bought my 105 and later 105D I noticed definite slow reaction time in not just loading time, but also slow switching time (e.g. switching from USB input to disc input) compared to other gear. We're only talking about a few seconds, but I definitely had to teach myself to take a deep breath each time I switched inputs or tried to advance tracks, etc. After a week of use, I got used to it, and it wasn't a problem at all, but if this is a peeve for you, proceed with caution. Cheers,