Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Hi denon1, yes,  the air Evolution is a new model cable,  this cable has huge bang for the money!, good bass, neutral midrange,  with airy highs, this cable is near equivalent to the  one speaker cable's,  lol! Same number of conductor's with the exception of the Air Evolution has 10 gauge conductor runs,  where the one has 8 gauge,  however,  the Air Evolution has the current carrying capability of a 6 gauge speaker cable, thus the exceptional bass,  if I were you,  I would try to swing getting the Omega speaker link's that are 12" long, I have these speaker jumper's now,  they are incredible sounding,  worth more in performance than the asking price,  the m1 is satisfactory,  but the Omega is omg, please pm me when you get a chance,  happy listening. 
Hi denon1, I sent you a response email,  get back to me when you can,  cheers. 
Denon1,  the air Evolution you have will sound ok out the box,  however,  at 300 hrs,  they will sound open,  extended, and the soundstage will be layered and dimensional sounding, most of the burn in is over at 300 hrs,  you will have some nuances come through over some time after 300 hrs.


How much better Tara labs 0.8 speaker cables than Air Evolution.

What exactly contribute to almost double in price?

Thank you.

Hi greg,  you can call me Keith,  the answer to your question,  this depends on the equipment being used,  meaning,  the 0.8 has more resolution,  never mix taralab's cable's,  if you mix with other brand's with the 0.8 or any cable below the zero gold,  you will have a lean sound,  if you use matching taralab's cable's throughout,  you will have depth,  better resolution,  bass, etc. ..the 0.8 will expose more information- resolution if the equipment is up to par, no one can hear a big difference if you were using something like a Rotel component system.