OPPO BDP 103/105, sound quality???

I'm looking for player that will play Blu-ray, SACD, DVD-audio and CD's.
That also sounds pretty great. I realize with a budget of $1K, I'm not going
to get Esoteric sound. But there must be "Universal" options
that sound pretty damn good? Any help would be appreciated.


Just because Stewie wrote it doesn't make it true.  It's not news, just opinion.

If load time is a big issue for you, I'd look for a live demo or youtube vid. before buying. When I bought my 105 and later 105D I noticed definite slow reaction time in not just loading time, but also slow switching time (e.g. switching from USB input to disc input) compared to other gear. We're only talking about a few seconds, but I definitely had to teach myself to take a deep breath each time I switched inputs or tried to advance tracks, etc. After a week of use, I got used to it, and it wasn't a problem at all, but if this is a peeve for you, proceed with caution. Cheers,
Just FYI, I would hope by now that most people realize that universal players take considerably longer to load than a conventional CD player. I have an Oppo 105D and a Pioneer BDP 09 for video. On the rare times that I use them for listening sessions, I plan on almost a minute before music starts. My Pioneer PD 65 (used with a Benchmark DAC1) starts playing as soon as the drawer closes. I'm no engineer but I believe the newer machines (especially Blu-Ray and SACD) need time to read the disc to determine what format they are being asked to play. 

Of all the universal players I have had, the Oppo loads the fastest! Don't be concerned, my comment was just a heads up to people who think that there must be a problem with their universal player because start up time is considerably longer than a dedicated CD player.