Upgrade my Sonic Frontiers Line-2, or buy a used solid state Pre?

I bought a pair of Revel M106 speakers to replace some ancient active speakers. I plan on buying a used Pass Labs XA30.5 amp to drive them. FYI, I also have a Velodyne F1200 sub. 

Maybe I'm jumping the gun here, but I suspect the 16 year old Line-2 won't equal the amp or the speakers in terms of resolving power. For $1000, I can have Parts Connexion upgrade my Line-2 to the latest components, which according to Chris Johnson, would yield significant improvements. 

My question is, are there any used solid state preamps that would sound better than the upgraded Sonic Frontiers Line-2 for around $2500?

My other question is, does anyone have an idea how the Line-2 SE Plus would compare to the current crop of products out there, tube or SS? Is it worse or better than a Halo JC2, Pass XP-10, Peachtree Grand Pre X-1?
I would imagine a Line-2 upgraded for $1K today would probably smoke anything you can buy around $2500 and I would certainly personally suggest staying with tubes for your preamp. Pretty sure the Line-2 is well built with a large outboard power supply, with a refresh from the original builder who knows the circuit well it could be a real giant killer. Just my 2 cents, good luck and happy listening!
Send your Line 2 to Chris for the upgrades before you go SS. I think you'd have to make the move to the XP20 to do better. The Line 2 will hold its own with your future plans. Get the Pass amp first and see how your Line 2 does. If you're running Sovtek tubes and etc. not NOS tubes you've never heard what the Line 2 can do. Plenty of info out there on what tubes in your preamp are the more critical ones to change out. My Dad has a Line 1 and tubes can change that piece a lot from being good to really good. Also a PC is very important on that piece as well.
Well I’ll offer a different view. I’ve never been a fan of Sonic Frontiers gear, and it’s hard for me to believe. On paper, they look to be wonderfully built units, but any SF preamp, amp or DAC that I’ve heard has been very dry and sterile sounding. I am a tube fan, but I have heard better SS gear than SF.

So I would suggest keeping an eye out for a used Klyne preamp. You should be able to find one in your price range. However, because they are so good, they tend to be hard to find on the used market. You would be hard pressed to beat a Klyne, even at twice your price range, IMHO.

As for amps, does that 30 watt Pass amp really drive those speakers?
I guess if you are using a powered sub the 30 wpc may be enough.
Jmcgrogan2, I'll know soon enough if the amp drives the speakers. The speakers are 86.4db sensitivity, but I don't listen at loud volumes. The xa30.5 actually clips at 130w at 8 ohms. I expect a bigger amp would provide more powerful, detailed bass, but I'm more concerned with the midrange and up. My budget was $3k on the amp. I don't think I could do any better than the XA. From where I'm coming from, I don't think I'm going to be disappointed with the bass anyway.

Adg101, I have a new set of EH tubes. I used to buy NOS tubes, but they've become crazy expensive.