JL Audio f112 or f113 sub?

Any thoughts on which sub (f112 or f113) would be a better choice for mostly 2 ch stereo listening and occasional home theater. I currently have Thiel CS 3.6 speakers with Bryston 4B amp and an outlaw audio processor. I am also planning on purchasing a Thiel SCS4 centeer channel speaker. Room size: 13' wide by 20' deep with 8' ceilings. Room opens into an open kitchen and dining area. Thanks
Thanks for the responses. The Thiel cs 3.6 had plenty of bass for 2 ch stereo listening in a previous house. In the current house, the CS 3.6 speakers lost allot of the bass due to poor room acoustics. I assume a sub will help bass compensate for the poor room acoustics. Ideally I would like 2 f112s, however, I normally do not listen to loud music and assume a single f112 or the 113 would be adequate. Any thoughts on if the f112 would be a little fater and possibly integrating better than an f113?
I pondered the same question and went with 2 112's they sound great in my HT system and i have had no regrets. I wondered if a single sub would work. I took the advise of my audio guru and went with dual 112's and could not be happier. BTW the 112's are right at the limit of what i can comfortably move around by myself.
I called JL Tech support about this very question about a year ago. The tech rep I spoke to said most employees choose 112's. He said they feel the 112's are more musical and easier to integrate in most listening environments. The rep really seemed to favor pairing up 112's best for music. It seemed to be a purely subjective recommendation.

Being JL tech's, I felt it was JL bias, yet, a fairly accurate read on the question. Either would be great properly set-up.

I've also been told exactly what Soundsbeyondspecs advised. I would start with one f112. If that works,great! If not, buy another f112 as budget permits.
have you considered a thiel sub? they are designed specifically to integrate seamlessly with thiel speakers. you can do it without but if you want perfect, they have passive and active crossovers that will get you there.