Dover, Interesting comment. The straight zero offset arms available today address lateral torsional forces. The ViV Rigid Float requires little or no antiskate as a result of this. Skating force is increased by cart offset, that is lateral cantilever angular difference between pointing at the pivot and pointing at offset angle. There is still skating because the cantilever is tangent to the groove at only one null point on an underhung arm, but it's said to be insignificant.
The only arm I've heard of that addressed lateral and vertical torsion is RS Labs. That one had the pivot elevated so the zero lateral offset cantilever would also approximately be vertical zero offset.
The trade off with alignment error is significant, but reviewers say it's worth the trade. Ironically, they also say the shorter version sounds better. This is supposed to be because reduction of length also reduces arm resonances, or something like that. It's conjecture but makes sense.
My skepticism with distortion figures and alignment error correlations isn't based on these arms. There is necessarily a phase difference between channels with lack of tangency, but it seems to me any other distortion would be cantilever and tip dependent.