Wilson Watt Puppy, which version?

I am thinking of getting into the WIlson line with the Watt Puppy's. I have heard a few before in showrooms and I enjoyed them. I can not afford a new one, so looking at the previous ones there were several versions produced over the years. Can anyone explain the differences and if there are any "sweet spots" in the line up. ie is every newer version better or was there a point of diminishing return with the introduction of newer versions? I am trying to stay under 10k for a used pair. Thank you
At the time I likened the change to putting on a pair of distance glasses and realizing what I hadn't been seeing!!! So yes!!!
 Since this is an old post let's hope this message gets to you, Vdosc!  I am in the same position as you were, I own an audio research VT100 Mark 2,  and I am looking at Wilson speakers. The watt puppy 7 and the Sophia 2  are both on my shopping list.  May I ask, did you end up purchasing a pair of Wilson's?   Which ones did you go with? Were you able to addition any of the speakers with your VT100 amplifier ?  From a research standpoint,  The Watt Puppy 7 seems like a great way to go, if the VT100 can handle it.  Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Hey Marktomaras,

I just got some W/P-7s that I drive with a VT100 Mk1.  I think they work well together.  Certainly the best system I have ever heard, but I am not one who has heard every speaker out there.  I auditioned them with tube gear and had the dealer set them up.  I find the bass extremely tight and low.  I measured it at about -3 db at 20 hz.  In my room, which has an odd configuration, there is no significant bump in the bass between 20 and 200 hz.  The tubes really tame the treble according to a friend who found them too analytical with solid state. If you haven't already, go for it.
Wilson Watt Puppy, which version?
I've got a mate who's a Wilson tragic, he's had every pair up to the 8's to his ears and mine the 7's were the best.

Cheers George