Suggestions on DVD/CD player with great sound....

Had enough of the "nagging"!. Girlfriend really likes the stereo sound, so wants to be able to watch movies, and (!)have great sound. I have no clue , since I do not watch a whole lot of movies.
So my question is: what DVD/CD player do I buy that will get a good picture, but great sound as well, in two channels only?
Looking at used , probably under 1200$
Thank you.
I think under your situation the Oppo 103 would serve you well. You can buy a new one for half your budget limit giving you the full life of the transport and optical pickup. From everything I have heard the Oppo company is great to deal with.
This may be an old posting and I'm not sure your decided yet, but there are plenty of great cdps available and many price ranges. Since you have Sony ES why not get a Sony ES dvd/sacd player. I had the dvd9000es and its cd performance was spectacular, better than many high-end stand alone cdps of its era.
Old news now but I remember this thread...with OPPO ceasing production of all new players this year, check out Amazon, Ebay, etc., for what USED OPPO Digital players are going for. My $500 OPPO-BDP 105 runs 2 grand with plenty of buyers. My original OPPO BD-95, years old now, will still fetch $1,200. Both players have been in heavy use and I have never had a single problem with either one. It's very rare these days to find such great gear without breaking the bank and really sad to see them closing down new production though the are still open and will continue to be so if you have maintenance issues.