Is there a Blu-Ray player that does SACD and has Audiophile quality sound?

Oppo 105D, the biggest bargain in audio! The Oppo 103D is a good choice as well, at about half the price.
In short: what is your primary intended  use? Audio or multi-channel bluray et al?

In detail: One size does not fit all.

The OPPO and the CAMBRIDGE share many of the same build components. (Google the commentary)  i had the CAMBRIDGE and my buddy still has the OPPO.... I sold the CAMBRIDGE and moved up to the ARCAM FMJ. The ARCAM bested the CAMBRIDGE but the rest of the comments flowing still stand.

We both use the CAMBRIDGE/ ARCAM/ OPPO for multi-channel movies and the like. In  either case we also have high-end standalone cdps for serious 2-channe audio performance.

As good as the multichannel players can be in their specified element , they do not measure up to our audiophile grade 2-channel spinners... The differences are not subtle, full stop. Not even close.

Budgets matter BIG-TIME of course, but there is no escaping the not-subtle compromises that a multi-channel unit a la CAMBRIDGE or OPPO invoke in a bake-off against audiophile-grade high-end 2-channel gear. The multi-channel kit just don't have the same components and build quality and resulting superior audio performance in 2- channel.

Those inescapable compromises may dictate which way you lean .... Multi-channel vs 2-channel as your primary arena to play in.