I thought you need 1.3 for DSD, but in fact I don't have any HDMI audio input. Right now both my HD-DRV and PS3-80 send video via HDMI to my DVDO Edge. The video is sent to the projector via HDMI, and the audio is stripped off and sent to the PDSD via optical or coax cable, if forget which. My XA5400ES outputs analog XLR directly to the PAV.
Someday I hope to have the XA5400ES send MC DSD via HDMI to a Cary Cinema 11a or sonic equivalent, and the Edge would send audio from the HD-DVR and PS3 via HDMI to the processor as well. Were the PDSD upgradable to future technology such as HDMI as it was intended to be, that's what I would do, but then we all know Harmon International is most definitely not Madrigal.