Bower and Wilkins and its relationship with Classe and Rotel

Just learned recently that B&W own's Classe and Rotel. Being that their affiliated in some way do you think B&W sounds best when coupled with the two brands?
1+ douglas_schroeder

All high end components, speakers, cables requires careful pairing and fine tuning. That's how you achieve best possible 'synergy' between components. 

I achieved much better results by pairing my 800D2 with Modwright SS amps and tube preamp over all Classe processor / amp components. By no means Classe sounded bad with 800D2's but it didn't sound as magical as Mod's tube and SS combo.  

The demos at audio shows are hit or miss in a 20x20 room. I wouldn't bash any well regarded brand based on just one listening session :-)

"Look more for absolute sound quality in a component and less for brand affiliation."

Nicely put...



B&W could be short for Bombay-walla......   8^)
could not resist...

Re: your comments on John Bowers and Matrix - I have owned all the matrix models at one time, and a pair of 801 matrix s3 since '94. They are now stored for my son. Matrix 800 replaced them. So I have a strong formed opinion on this topic, and it is reflected in my virtual system.

With that.

I have different speaker designs in the house. I was eventually able to make them all work for me. Meaning could live with each one.
Each come with Pros and Cons but with time, if one is not a frequent flyer audiophile, you can learn their general properties, some changes here and there and you are on your way. But this thread is about Rotel and Classe with B&W.

I have found that audiophiles, and especially audiophile engineers always like to discuss the gear aspect. And rightly so, as the gear can make or break the music coming from a speaker. But I can confidently say at this point, with speaker brands that have been voiced in an anechoic room. Regardless of the gear being used -  that this holds true.

So lets not forget the room.

Some fun with my coffee this morning.
Happy listening

yeah, yeah, yeah!
i've not forgotten the room. I didn't form an opinion after 1 listen at a show, etc, etc....

ct0517 - looked at your system. extensive notes by yourself & others. tried to look for your very formed opinion on the B&W Matrix speakers but there was too much to wade thru. Can you post a link? I'd like to read what your very formed opinion is. Thanks. 
@lalitk you made mention of modwright products.Do you have any knowledge of their mods on the Oppo Blue ray player?

His gear seemed kinda pricey was just wondering if product is really that great