If money was and was not of any concern when buying speakers.

If money was no concern i'd buy these speakers........

If money was of concern the best speaker for my dollar would be...... 
If I had unlimited resources for speakers, I would NOT buy a commercially produced speaker. I would bring in a very good designer and have that individual design and build a system (and tweak it in) around my room, equipment, listening preferences and musical tastes. That includes subs and the appropriate active sub filter / crossover for the room, the subs and the rest of the system.

I have nearly that kind of speaker system now.
Vox Olympian would be my no limits speaker, and of course a room suitably large enough to properly support them and a hand full of good listening friends.

If money was also a concern the Audio Note AN-E/SPe HE are still not "cheap" but relatively so, watt sparing, and would be an excellent sonic investment for life.

Whether rich, filthy rich, or a relative popper, as I see it, one must look at Hi-Fi as a lifetime investment, not a momentary, impulse purchase.

Happy Listening!
If money was no concern i'd buy these speakers........

YG Acoustic Sonja 1.3

If money was of concern the best speaker for my dollar would be......

Joseph Audio Pulsars

Money no object:

 Difficult, as I never consider the question, as money is always tight, however rich you are. There are other things you can buy with the cash, but I agree with Akg_Ca, the best Tannoy to suit my room.

Money important:

 Daedalus Athena's, I run the DA-RMA's now.