Basic Interconnect Question


I am running a Prima Luna Dialogue Premium preamp that has only unbalanced outputs.

Is it possible to buy an interconnect that would be unbalanced on one end and balanced on the other end so that I could connect to the balanced inputs on my Coda CS amp?

If so, would there be a sonic advantage to doing this?


"Is it possible to buy an interconnect that would be unbalanced on one end and balanced on the other end so that I could connect to the balanced inputs on my Coda CS amp? "

In a word, no. What Al wrote is correct.
A signal is either balanced, or not. Putting an XLR connector on the end of an unbalanced preamp output doesn't magically convert it to a balanced signal.
Dsper, unless you have a connection problem I wouldnt even go there, no reason or sonic advantage, rca's are just fine. well put cleeds, jl35, infection. I agree.


Well I know how to ask the right question.

This must be one of the few threads where everyone (but the OP) is on the same page.

Thank you for the sound advice!