Need Klyne Audio SK-2 manual for dip switch set up

I got a Klyne Audio SK-2 MC step up amp.
If any one has manual for dip switch set, please share with me.
Have you tried to contact Stan Klyne?  He is located in the state of Washington, and I think you can still contact him from the Klyne Audio website.  He worked on my 6LX only a few years ago and was very helpful with related information.
Here is a link to the SK1 dip settings.I’mpretty sure they will be the same.
With my SK1 I found the best way to set it up was to start with highest load and start with the 76k high frequency contour. Then go down the high frequency contour options ( 76,65,30 etc ) until it gets worse ( over damped ).Then go back up 1 setting. I have a full SK1 manual if you have somewhere I can send a copy to.
Important note - the Klyne phase inverts - you need to reverse the cartridge pins.  

Thank you everybody. I am awaiting answer from Klyne Audio. 
If I get something, I will share.