Subwoofer SVS SB13Ultra vs JL Fathom F110V2

Considering a new sb13u vs a demo F110v2 to mate with my Martin Logan Vistas.  Room is 11x19x8 with one side open to a great room 16x26.

Anyone have experience with both?  I currently have a REL T5 that is great but just too small


I'll preface my comments with in my system and in my room! The F110s are more articulate/tighter, provides more air, deeper, and play louder. Unfortunately, it isn't even close, because if it were I would have kept my SVS 13 Ultras.
Adding the CR-1 is a game changer! Everything and I mean everything is improved...more defined bass, wider soundstage, better imaging, "more AIR" and just a relaxation to the music being played!

I'm just curious as to the size of your space.  From the test data that I've seen, a pair of Ultras offers enormous clean output capability.  Your observation that the JL does better on that front (and, to be clear, Im not contesting that observation) suggests either a huge space or crushing SPLs (or your Ultras not delivering what the test pair did).

BTW, test data is available at hits
Hi Jl Audio Dealer, here, the SVS does offer a lot of output, however, build quality and articulation is in the JL Audio Camp. The New V2 woofers are fantastic, I do have a demo F113 at an attractive price. 
Thanks.  Given they way some are describing the extension and output of the F110 i can only surmise the published specs are rather conservative.  Is that accurate?