Tonearm recommendation

Hello all,
Recently procured a Feickert Blackbird w/ the Jelco 12 inch tonearm.
The table is really good, and its a keeper. The Jelco is also very good, but not as good as my Fidelity Research FR66s. So the Jelco will eventually hit Ebay, and the question remains do I keep the FR66s or sell that and buy something modern in the 5-6 K range. My only point of reference is my old JMW-10 on my Aries MK1, so I don't know how the FR66s would compare to a modern arm. So I'd like to rely on the collective knowledge and experience of this group for a recommendation.

Keep the FR66s, or go modern in the 5-6K range, say a Moerch DP8 or maybe an SME.

Any and all thoughts and opinions are of course much appreciated.

Cheers,      Crazy Bill

I will offer arm suggestions specifically for high compliance cartridges as all were introduced during their peak popularity (no particular order).
- Infinity/ADC
- Mayware Formula IV or others in this series (I adapted one to an AR-XA table)
- SME 3009 Series III

I was thinking about Infinity Black Widown latest version with graphite armtube. Never tried it myself, so i need some feedbacks from experienced users. Anyone?
Dear kirkus: Through the B&O adapter the audio experience with those cartridges you own is a good one.

Those models you own along the MMC2/1 are great performers. Normally only a few audiophiles cares about B&O and the ones that did not try it are loosing a very good audio experience.

I still own my STAX tonearm but is in its box, maybe some day I will mount it again and try with my B&O cartridges.

regards and enjoy the music,
SME III´s very low mass hyper rigid titanium-nitride armtube is damped by teak strips, a small oil reservoir under linked to armtube adds extra damping if necessary. SME III is a superior performer with high compliance carts, with oil or without depending on a cart used, IME since 1987. I think it can get the best out of any HC cart, and it works nicely with lower compliance carts as well due to adjustable counter balance system (thin lead plates). Obviously designed especially for HC carts. A classic SME at finest.
Post removed 


You must be kidding. I'm beginning to wonder if in fact, you have a brain cell. You go back to '13 to quote Dover?

dover: """  do you have right now on hand the 505?

If yes just try Baerwald or Löfgren alignment changing the P2S distance from Stevenson. Then listen and listen in between ( B, L and S alignments. ) and return here to share your experiences there.

If not, your post is useless and futile this time. """

There's only one reason you'd write something so stupid.

I agree with Soundsmith.  You're an undeclared manufacturer using this forum to promote your private sales.  I wonder how many of your preamp sales and used cartridges exchanges paid a fee to AudioGon.  I suspect you dine in luxury and fail to leave a tip.

I was going to explain where I think you went wrong in your basic assumptions, but upon further reflection, I think not.