George Martin RIP

Passed away in London last night at age 90.
ghosthouse, he's not 5th he's 3rd. 4th and 5th are still alive.
RIP papa Beatles.
I cannot think of any non-songwriter/performer involved in the music industry who has changed the world as much as George Martin. His is an amazing story and I feel we are all fortunate to have been able to benefit from his life's work. I know that my world is substantially richer for his having been in it.
Czarivey - very interesting your ranking of John and George vs Paul; but I will not argue your elevation of Sir George in any case.  

Jerroot - Hear! Hear!
The Beatles, fans of The Beatles and fans of popular music are lucky to have known George through the iconic recordings which he produced.
I was fortunate many years ago (before the multipart TV broadcast of The Beatles special) to see George in a production at the Beacon Theater in NYC called "The Making of Sgt. Pepper's" which was part live lecture--part film presentation-- in which George took the audience through the recording process of each song. By now that has been well documented--but back then it was truly a revelation and a thrill to hear it from George himself.
A total class act. RIP George Martin.