About 5 years ago I sold a dac here on Agon to a guy that designed and built nuclear reactors. I'm personally a renewable energy kinda' guy but suffice it to say he was super smart, obviously knew a ton about engineering and happened to be an audiophile. I figured he was a good person to ask some questions to about the science of audio and the topic of isolation came up. He was convinced, based on pure science and engineering principles that a Vibraplane or equivalent air isolation platform was the only worthy vibration control. He explained that this type of system was able to handle vibration on all axes as opposed to spring, magnetic, polymer, sand etc, which just address up and down but no side movement. This was about 5 years ago so perhaps some other technologies have emerged. I have 3 Vibraplanes from Sounds of Silence. Mine are hooked up to a compressor and made my really awesome system sound even better. As mentioned by others, Steve is a great guy to deal with and although the platforms are a bit of an investment, they're definitely worth it and are the real deal. There's a reason that they're the industry standard for supporting electron microscopes and other vibration sensitive equipment.