What a troll ... all we have here are anecdotal experiences.
Having said that, here's a tip (whether you're a FedEx or UPS fanboy) ...
Use nylon strapping on your cartons. It's a $150.00 investment in the tensioning and crimping tools but well worth it. What does it accomplish in addition to holding the carton together? It ensures manual handling and your precious cargo doesn't travel on those long, inclined roller/ramps.
This eliminates both the risk of the package taking a 12 foot fall off the high point of the ramp, as well as there being a 100 pound carton (immediately behind/above yours) slamming into your shipment.
Thom @ Galibier Design
Having said that, here's a tip (whether you're a FedEx or UPS fanboy) ...
Use nylon strapping on your cartons. It's a $150.00 investment in the tensioning and crimping tools but well worth it. What does it accomplish in addition to holding the carton together? It ensures manual handling and your precious cargo doesn't travel on those long, inclined roller/ramps.
This eliminates both the risk of the package taking a 12 foot fall off the high point of the ramp, as well as there being a 100 pound carton (immediately behind/above yours) slamming into your shipment.
Thom @ Galibier Design