Similar sound characteractics to MIT cables?

hi, does anyone know of other brands interconnects and speakers cables that have a house sound that's similar to MIT cables? but without those MIT network box? MIT cables sound relax, a tad laid back, yet clear and no veil/curtain between performance and listener, dynamic are natural without harshness.

Thanks for any replies.


Send me a message, I don’t think people would like to see advice about Audioquest overhere. And they are right.

I always thought that audio is all about personal preference. Until a client of mine said: you proved that Tru-Fi can overrule personal preference.

He is right for a part, but I still think personal preference also depends on the reference frame people have.

Beside personal preference you still can add properties into each system. These properties influence each person by emotion. This is how I use audio. I outperfrom other companies in audio by a more complete and involving sound.

A sound what is more deverse and complete will always be prefered by any other sound what is incomplete. Almost all sets I auditioned in shops, shows and new clients were incomplete. We are not taking about missing one part, often many parts.

By asking a simple question to these people gave me and also them a clear answer.

When I ask people even those who work in audio for a long time the following question: can you tell me the properties of the speaker you sell. And can you tell me the properties of a particular speaker?

They say; I can’t. Then it is difficult to understand how the stage and sound is being build of your set. You need to know it form each part of your system. They said I think you are right.

So I made the remark; then audio is a big guess? It is not about the question if I am right. People need to understand that they way they create a set is very ineffective.

This is the main reason why all the highend sets I visited in 18 years of time often sound limited and incomplete. This is based on the fact that people are not aware of the properties of each part.

It is almost impossible to create a stunning and addictive sound. Because when a set owns all the parts which can be created the sound will become addictive and involving.

Because music is all about emotion. You need a set what is able to show you all the emotion it owns.

The emotion is inside the music.
Maybe english is not my first language. With my knowledge and insight in audio I have proven over and over again that it outperforms any other way audio is being used. Sound quality never lies.

The best and most convincing sound always will win, it is that simple!!
But you will never find anything near unanimous agreement as to what is the "best and most convincing sound."  It is partly objective and partly subjective  It is in the ear of the beholder.
It is quite easy to explain: I only sell a 3 dimensional intimate and papable image. I use all the parts what influences the emotion of people.

Audio is comparing, first I explain how I work and what my sound is. After this you give a demo with the people their own music. After this I send them to many other shops as possible. Because I want audio to be as open as possible.

Then they come back, often you hear the stories about how low the other demos are. Most sets in audioshops are always 2 dimensional. These are facts again. 

In all shootouts I did ( hundreds now) between 2 and 3 dimensional sound each person chooses for 3 dimensional sound. This is only a part of Tru-Fi. But an important part for how music influences our emotion. I never met any person who prefers a 2 dimensional sound.

I n 2007 I started to use all the parts which are important for highend in the mid price range as well. This has become very succesful.