Preamp... Solid State or Tube

I am looking for 2-ch preamp that must have HT bypass option to mate with my existing HT processor.  

My budget is 10K for this upgrade.  Couple of preamps comes to mind but I have no experience with these components.  

Ayre KX-5 Twenty
Aesthetix Calypso 
My system consist of following components, 

Speakers - B&W 800D2
Source - Aurender N10,  Modwright Elyse DAC, Raysonic CD-128
Amps - Modwright KWA150SE (Pair of them being used in bridge mode)
Processor - Krell 707
Cables - Verastarr Grand Illusion Statement and Signature series

Any recommendations will be highly appreciated. 

No doubt the Modwright LS-100 should be a top consideration, with the 150SE amp. As I understand, the difference between the LS-100 and the 36.5 is the latter is a bit more refined sound  and the former has more warmer tube sound. So it is becomes a matter of taste to which one fits your needs.

I have the MW 150SE and the LS-100 in my system and am very satisfied with its sound.
@adg101,  can you elaborate on your experience with DiD's?  I have been on fence to try isolation devices with my DAC or CD player.  All of my equipment are housed in a customized component rack that is preloaded with damping materials to create a high mass, low resonance core.

Back to preamp, I am looking for fully balanced circuitry from input to output. Both LS-100 and 36.5 are nice preamps but they are single ended design.  

Until Dan comes out with a fully balanced Linestage, I would like to explore what else is out there. 

I can see why it would make sense to go with MW linestage since I already own MW's amp and DAC. IMO, balanced circuitry yields much better overall sound. 

Thank you all for your feedback. 
@jmcgrogan2,  I never heard of VAC until now.  And I am quite intrigued by their Statement Line Preamplifier.  Too bad, I can't afford it :-)

@ebm, I concur with your assessment of tube preamp/SS amps. However, I am skeptical about mating a tube output DAC and CD player with a tube preamp.  

Pardon my limited experience with tube gear, I Don't wanna get stuck in the vicious circle of tube matching between components.