There really is little recourse with UPS or FedEx for damaged high end electronics. Neither will pay full damages for anything less than a forklift blade through the faceplate of your reference amp. The only way to ship expensive gear is to encase it in foam inside a cardboard box placed inside a wood box.
Crush proof and shock proof. Don't use bubble wrap or styro for anything will be dropped often, and stryo and bubble wrap only give you ONE drop before losing their cushion.
Take pics of what you ship(and how it was packed)and keep evidence of what you paid to acquire it in case they lose it(very rare). They will only pay what it cost you...not what you insured it for.
Crush proof and shock proof. Don't use bubble wrap or styro for anything will be dropped often, and stryo and bubble wrap only give you ONE drop before losing their cushion.
Take pics of what you ship(and how it was packed)and keep evidence of what you paid to acquire it in case they lose it(very rare). They will only pay what it cost you...not what you insured it for.