Preamp... Solid State or Tube

I am looking for 2-ch preamp that must have HT bypass option to mate with my existing HT processor.  

My budget is 10K for this upgrade.  Couple of preamps comes to mind but I have no experience with these components.  

Ayre KX-5 Twenty
Aesthetix Calypso 
My system consist of following components, 

Speakers - B&W 800D2
Source - Aurender N10,  Modwright Elyse DAC, Raysonic CD-128
Amps - Modwright KWA150SE (Pair of them being used in bridge mode)
Processor - Krell 707
Cables - Verastarr Grand Illusion Statement and Signature series

Any recommendations will be highly appreciated. 

@ebm, I concur with your assessment of tube preamp/SS amps. However, I am skeptical about mating a tube output DAC and CD player with a tube preamp.  

Pardon my limited experience with tube gear, I Don't wanna get stuck in the vicious circle of tube matching between components. 

@lalitk - are you running very long IC's?

if fully balanced is a must, perhaps take a look at Atma-Sphere.  no HT bypass, but that's easy enough to work around... just run the main outs from your Krell processor to any analog input on the preamp and set the preamp to the same level (12:00, 3:00, unity, etc) when using the processor.  HT bypass is nothing more than a means to bypass the volume control in the preamp, effectively passing the signal with no attenuation.

ModWright LS100 is definitely not a balanced preamp. The LS 36.5 is balanced; not a balanced circuit but Dan uses output transformer to convert to a balanced signal; just his way of doing the same thing. The reason I went from a SWL 9.0 SE was because of my Pass amp was noisier than I would have liked and the 36.5 solved the noise issue running balance. The LS 100 I believe has XLR jacks and is just a cheater; same as if you do it with interconnects. Again that is not the case on the 36.5.

The LS 36.5 with its stock tubes is very good but I would agree sounds like a great solid state preamp, but you pull out the Sovtek's it comes with and things change. I'm running a NOS Mullard GZ34 and Cryoset EH 6H30pi's. With this combination it has transformed the LS 36.5 to another level; still not overly tubey but that's not what I wanted. I will add I threw in a Synergistic Black fuse and that was huge. My LS 36.5 is so revealing, open and musical that I enjoy listening for hours at a time. It's a fantastic preamp and I can't even imagine what the DM power supply adds to it. I wouldn't be surprised if how I have my single box unit running it wouldn't give the two chassy a run for its money.

I spoke with Dan about changing out the fuse and he said to try the Daedalus DiDs first as he didn't feel fuses change things much. I'm guessing he hasn't heard the Synergistic Blacks because it was huge. Anyway I did try the DiDs first and oh my they are fantastic. I took them over to my Dads system and he was floored as well on his Sonic Frontiers Line 1. The change was the same on his system as mine. Cymbals, piano and strings just resonate like there's no tomorrow. Things really opened up the space between instruments became better defined and tight but not at all sterile. Right now I only have the one set which I run on my LS 36.5. I will be getting another set for my CD player but added the SR Black fuses there first. 

I bought my DiDs from Dan and if you have bought any of his equipment he gives a nice discount on the DiDs and if you don't  like them I'm pretty sure he'll refund your money back.

As far as if the LS 36.5 will not be compatible with your other MW gear I wouldn't worry about that. I've never read anyone having a system match problem with it. I ran it over to my Dads system when I first received it and it sounded great on his ARC tube amp. 

If you are really happy with the rest of you MW equipment then the LS  36.5 is a no brainier and if you want to spend up you can always do the DM version now or later. I bought mine directly from Dan as there's no local dealer and he was great to work with. Pretty sure if you don't like it he will let you return it but I bet you don't.