Similar sound characteractics to MIT cables?

hi, does anyone know of other brands interconnects and speakers cables that have a house sound that's similar to MIT cables? but without those MIT network box? MIT cables sound relax, a tad laid back, yet clear and no veil/curtain between performance and listener, dynamic are natural without harshness.

Thanks for any replies.


Most speakers and even amps and sources are very limited in building stage depth and width. Even when a cable is exeptional in this part, it is not able to use this property it owns.

That is why you need to know the properties of your speaker, amp and source before you can choose the brand of cables.

I give you an example: I have test and done many shootouts with cables. Also between MIT against Audioquest and Purist Audio. Most people who use audio as a hobby are often not able to listen to all different parts you judge audio for at the same time.

So what I do is using a number they know well and take one part you judge sound for at the time. This makes audio a lot more easy to understand for people who use it as a hobby.

Purist Audio powercables are one of the best in the world. They outperfrom any powercable of MIT. I have proven this over and over again. The are more open in the mid freq. than any other brand. They have the best blacklevel you can create with a powercable. 

Beside the deep and wide stage, instruments and voices become more palpable. 

When I compared the MIT interconnects with the Audioquest Wild and Wel, it became clear that the Audioquest can reveal more details and have a much sharper and individual focus of instruments and voices.

Beside this you could hear a better separation in depth and also more diversity in heights as well. There was one part we prefered of the MIT Oracles. It was more pleasant in the mid freq. But.......this I can adapt very easily with other parts of a set.

At the end the Audioquest and Purist Audio are more complete and more precise. 

The Wel and Wild both revelaed more decay and more space around instruments and voices compared to MIT Oracle. 

Instruments and voices become more intimate compared to MIT. This part influences our emotion also a lot. There are different parts what influences the emotion of us. 

That is why I use all the different parts what music can own. 
Pc123v, i have never heard MH750 , so I'm unable to give any opinions. This MH750 maybe a branch off the spectral high speed broadband cable series, but I'm guessing only. 
Bo, i agree with you that each cable due to its engineering design have their own characteristics, strength and weaknesses. But you're missing the point here. You are seeking TRU-FI, and I'm seeking to build my own sound base on my preference/taste. The music event doesn't have to be faithfully reproduce in a accurate manner so long as it has the sonic presentation that touch my emotions. Different people interpret music in different ways, what sound to you as inspirional may sound terrible for me. You had successfully influence some clients who may not know what they want or what touch them emotionally. But i know what i want in a musical presentation even if it could sound wrong to you. i.e, usually a pianist would be playing in centerstage, with other instruments backing up because the piano is in the limelight. But i don't like hearing panio in the centrestage, instead i wish the harp would sound more clearly because its music notes are soft and easily get "cover up" due to its locaton at the rear stage.
So MIT cables may not fit your needs but it sure fit mine to a great extent. Unless you tell me audioquest have the same wide, layered big sound as MIT , i wouldn't consider Audioquest or PAD, no matter how precise or the separation of instruments that these brands are able to delineate. Nevertheless i thank you and on behalf on other Agoners too, because you also offered your deep understanding on audioquest cables too. 
The problem in audio is that at shows, shops, distributers and at clients sets are incomplete all the time. This has nothing to do with personal taste.

What is missing is not there. These parts are essential for the emotion of music. That is why I use different kind of numbers to explain to people what each part does with your emotion.

Another example; Last years I was in Munic at the Highend show. Most sets were 2 dimensional. This is the quality of audio what people can create these days.

In Munic I asked the people who gave demos if they could tell me the name of an artist? Often they didn’t know. Audio is not about music anymore, but only about selling.

Even when you ask simple questions they can’t answer it  anymore. In 2015 I met many people who were screwed by other shops. Over 10 years audio will be a lot smaller than today.

People who work in audio lost their connection with music and also the passion for audio. This is a sad thing to see. Last year I talked to a person from England and he had the same experience as I have.

How is the knowledge in audio in the US compared to the past?
I am running MIT Oracle 3.5 series Cabled and Oracle PC's on an all Krell system...listening to your favorite music through it would likely make you piss your pants!  Let me put it in Bonese lingo...I make the 3D sound amazing.  Sound is real and you feel and see it..people are amazed at how all the parts put together are more than one.  You can experience true 3D sound only when I put parts together that let you experience real true sound...only my special ears and stereo parts I sell can create this sound!