Can I plug a

Hello everyone,

I live in New York City which has very bad electrical problems for audio and video. I just had the electrician put a dedicated 20 amp for my video, and I still get fluctuations anywhere from 112 to 120, never a consistent solid voltage. I bought a Richard gray pole pig thinking that would help and nothing, well not nothing, it keeps it no lower than 115.

I was thinking of buying a PS Audio power regenarator and connecting that to the wall and then connecting the pole pig to that.

Is that possible? Anyone with experience in this? Thanks for the help guys

PS Audio's power plants appear to be similar to UPS battery backup units where they maintain 120V output regardless of the voltage at the receptacle. All you have to do is call them; they'll be more than happy to help.

Voltage fluctuations down to 112 volts is not necessarily a problem. While a ten volt drop may appear to be excessive, the equipment secondary voltage drop is a ratio of the primary/secondary voltage. If the equipment runs on, say, a 36 volt rail voltage, the voltage sag will only be 30% of the primary voltage sag. So an 8 volt drop at the wall outlet is seen as a 2.5 volt sag at the rail, which the regulators can handle with no problem whatsoever. For power amps with unregulated power supplies (which is most of them) a two or three volt drop will not affect performance as they have constant current sources on the supply rails to the gain stages. Those CCS's can easily maintain spec at that kind of varying voltage.
Paul at PSaudio will talk with you and  answer your questions no sale pressure.

Power amps and preamps that have SMPS are usually immune to line variations (being line and load regulated) and to DC voltage presence.  In addition they often operate in wide range 80-240V 
The P10 does regulate voltage very well, mine regulates at a constant 120.3 volts, there are many features on the P10 that can be used to adjust phasing, low distortion, the Sine Wave, (Mulitwave adjustments and Cleanwave degaussing). These adjustments do affect and effect the results you hear of which I am pleased. There is definitely a noticeable fine decay in music with lingering tones, a clarity that is pleasing rather than over bearing. Have had mine over a year and picked it up because I was having issues with 60 cycle buzz and hum. This reduced the problem almost completely. The other actions that fully eliminated the hum and buzz were better placement of cables and interconnects as well upgrading some interconnects and Power cables as well as checking all connections starting with the last source added which was my turntable. I agree Paul M. Of PS Audio is great with help and getting back to questions in more than a timely manner.