Upgrade from Proac Response 1SC?

I never thought I'd be asking this, but what bookshelf speaker might be a step up from these? I've had and loved them for a little over 10 years now, but with a recent major upgrade in my electronics (will be listed at end of post) I think they're just a bit too small for what's now driving them. I've heard a pair of Sonus Faber Olympicas (way out of my price range) and some Revel M-106's (not sure they're a step upwards from the Proacs). Would like something I can live with for a long time to come, but hoping not to exceed about $3000. Impossible mission? Maybe...
Advice and suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
Hegel H-200, Cambridge Audio 751BD, Bryston BDA-1 DAC, REL S2 sub. Clarus Aqua speaker cables & interconnects (mostly).
My journey went from the 1SCs to D15s. After that I went to Merlin VSM with BAM and upgrades. The Merlins showed the weaknesses of my prior Jolida amp and I moved to a Cary SLI80 F1. This gives a very satisfying result.
crwindy, I’m curious about your impressions of the Merlin VSMs and how they compare to the Proacs. I’ve read a lot of good things about Merlin speakers and even considered trying a pair of TSMs but never quite got to it. It appears there won’t be any more made though, following the death of Merlin’s owner last year, so I’d have keep an eye on the used market. They do come up on Audiogon sometimes.
It seems like the Proacs do some things that really appeal to you that are tough to find in other speakers.  I agree with Zd that it might be very worthwhile trying some different integrateds that may better blend the top end with the rest of the sonic picture.  On the solid state side I'd try Ayre or Plinius, and for tubes maybe ARC or VAC.  Also, not sure what you're using for interconnects and speaker cables, but that may be another avenue to explore.  Best of luck. 

Cooper52, I happen to have a very nice pair of Merlin TSM mmm on Audiogon right now. They are wonderful speakers and priced right if you are interested. Only reason I am parting with them is my wife decided I'm back in the big room since it is walled off from the kitchen. She can stay in there where she belongs ;-). Even though they still sound great in this room it is a little large at 26x24x14. In my old room of 25x16x8 they did everything I could ask from 50hz or so up. 
Diapason Adamantes III (used) or Diapason Reference (new) from Italy, sound so beautiful!!