Audioquest vs Analysis Plus?

I'm looking for a set of 10-foot bi-wire speaker cables at a modest price (thinking 500-800, but less would be welcome) ... I have been looking at audioquest rocket 88 and analysis plus oval 12. Anyone have experience with either of these? Any other bi-wires in this price range I should check out? 

There is a pair of 10' Straigtwire Serenad 2 biwire on Audiogon. New price is over a grand. He's asking $425.00. Bidding closes in 8 minutes. 
Jmc I know we have always differed  on AP.  I am guessing the solo crystal you had is more forward than the Oval 9 - I have not heard that level in my rig.

I have only heard the lower models that I mentioned and I believe it is a little different - but I could be wrong.  You are like my wife - usually correct.  :/)

Nutty is on to something - SW Serenade is a nice under 1K SC.

I suspect he will renew the listing. Great cable at that price. I've listened to the Serenade II between my Levinson no.334/Paradigm Reference studio 100's. 

The Audiogon community may be able to offer more guidance if we knew the amp/speak system we are working with. 


thanks for the question, Nutty. VPI Classic 1, soundsmith zephyr, ARC PH8 phonostage, ARC ref 5SE pre, modwright kwa 100 see poweramp, Dali Helicon 400 Mk IIs. Using AP oval copper interconnects presently. Cheapo old sony CD player (it is a future upgrade....)
pops, we aren't so different. I did agree with your take on the AP tonality, which I did like.

As well as telling us about the equipment (nice gear by the way), how about telling us about your personal tastes? What are you trying to accomplish? As you probably know, no cable has it all. Some are warmer sounding, some will like the musicality, some will complain of the sluggishness and lack of detail. Some cables are more revealing, some will enjoy more definition, some will complain that these cables are bright and thin sounding. 

So, are you looking for musicality or resolution? Understand that as you get more of one, you lose more of the other.

I like dorkwad's recommendation too. Amadi cables are very good bang for the buck, and sometimes the best route is a better quality cable with a nice jumper as opposed to biwiring.