Just a bit of advice for those shipping heavy items to buyers.

FedEx has indicated that it is their policy NOT TO REIMBURSE shippers / buyers for the damage to the container of a shipment - you must replace the container at your own cost.  

UPS has confirmed that it is their policy TO REIMBURSE shippers / buyers for the damage to the container of a shipment - provided you provide sufficient proof of loss.  

This happened to me this week.  FedEx destroyed an expensive box containing an amplifier I purchased on Audiogon.  The shipper filed the claim for replacement of the box, which cost $150 from the manufacturer, and FedEx denied the claim - because they do not insure the container - ONLY THE CONTENTS.  The shipper had foolproof proof of loss.  Yet FedEx would not reimburse him.  The shipper did have a new box sent to me - but, he had to absorb the entire cost of the damage caused by FedEx.  

The only recourse the buyer has is to simply "reject" the shipment and FedEx will return it to the seller at the seller's cost.  In this instance, I conferred with the shipper, and he decided to have me accept the shipment and he would replace the box.  But... it was a costly lesson.  

This is the socond time this has happened to me - FedEx has damaged a container, during shipment.  So - it is a frequent enough occurence that it will be my policy in the future to ship only via UPS.  
Many of the comments above (especially those from dealers and frequent shippers), have provided me a good education regarding how best to ship packages safely without damage, and to assure claims are honored by shipping companies - will be very beneficial in the future to avoid issues.  
And... I guess to summarize it appears the following may be beneficial:

1.  Should triple box - mfrs double box should be wrapped in some cushion material and enclosed in another box without mfrs labels on the outside box.  

2.  Should strap and tape the straps of the outside box.

3.  Should take pics of the contents, packing process, and finished package.

4.  Should have UPS or FedEx store inspect the packaging and complete the packaging with the final outside box to obtain their comfort and assurance any claims will be honored.

5.  Should insure package for $5000+, to assure package receives special handling by shipping company.  

6.  Should consider using SBA or BAX for shipping large, heavy, high-value contents - because they use special freight handling to assure no damage in transit... and... they honor their claims.

7.  Should consider using a 3rd party, independent shipping insurance company, such as ShipSure to assure claims are paid - Must meet their packaging requirements (most of which are included above).  

Think this reflects most of the advice from the experienced shippers.
And, oh yes...

8.  Should take pics of any package received with any outside damage and refuse shipment - don't accept package and expect to file a claim after accepting it to be honored / paid by shipper.  
As mentioned, shipped a pair of speakers via UPS, speakers arrived undamaged, and on time. The only issue was the lag in time it took for the system to update the tracking infomation.  
I've had many big arguments with FedEx over the years but I think they have improved. Mostly about delivery times and leaving my packages all over my neighborhood without telling me and coming to my house and leaving before I could get to the door. That was a few years back though.