I have not heard the Venere, but the towers have gotten some good reviews. They keep the price down by manufacturing in China, I believe. I have not seen them in BB - maybe only in the Design Centers. I will have to look. Real Magnolia stores used to carry the entry and mid-range speakers (not Homage) so I guess it is not a surprise that Venere are in BB/Magnolia.
Being in Tweeter hurt SF in my opinion, at least here in New England. They got volume but only at the low end. And the real audio shops would not carry them because they were carried in Tweeter. Today they are almost impossible to find here.
Being in Tweeter hurt SF in my opinion, at least here in New England. They got volume but only at the low end. And the real audio shops would not carry them because they were carried in Tweeter. Today they are almost impossible to find here.