Which one Emotiva or Outlaw for HT

Looking at the Emotiva UMC200 pre/pro with Emotiva XPA 5 channel amp or the Outlaw 975 pre/pro with the Outlaw 7125 amp to replace an Onkyo NR809 HT receiver. Since there is no way to audition either one of these other than the 30 day home trial. I would appreciate any feed back from current owners or anyone who had the opportunity to hear these. I know auditioning is the way to do this but, for me and my work schedule, 30 days is not enough. Trying to decide which combo would be a better match for my speakers. Main use is for HT. Both of these fall within my budget. Thanks for any feed back.

Speakers: Dynaudio Focus 140's with CC200 center
Integrated amp: Plinius 9200
DAC: Bryston Dac 2
CD/Blu Ray player: Cambridge Audio 752 BD
Wadia: 171i for ipod classic 160
Cables: combo of DNM, FMS & Analysis Plus digital crystal
Bought a UMC200 in July of '13,and has been bug-free. No probs of any kind. has turned into hub for both stereo and surround. Have Parasound A23s as front monoblocks, and xpa3 for other 3 channels(5.0). Pleased with SQ, Like too use prologic 2 for cd playback, somethings sound incredible in surround that software is not available.
I just took delivery of an Emotiva UMC-200 and an UPA-500. Coming from Marantz 6005. The sound is OK, but the UMC-200 is giving me fits as it will not consistently handshake with my HMDI cables, which the Marantz worked with.

Now, it is not working...blue screen of death...no video or audio.

I'll call in the AM...for the second time to discuss and perhaps send back. It is necessary to get Kieth, who knows what he is doing. I'd had less luck with others on their help line.

Final comment: The owners manual could be written more clearly, or with better examples.
Ok. The emotiva equipment is working and burned in. It creates excellent reproduction of what instruments sound like through my MMG speakers wall mounted.

My main audio system is atmosphere ma1s and mp 1 with Maggie 3.7s

I'm complimenting the emotiva. Pre and amp. It is clean. Very clear. Good sound stage. Good separation between people/instruments. It's not the atma sound. But my interconnects cost more than the emotiva. I am happily listening to them now
It sounds like some are saying that they are happy with the Emotiva model they bought, and that is fine, but the question is, which brand is better for HT? Has anyone heard both the UMC-200 and the Outlaw 975?